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How you should practice playing guitar and bass guitar

How you should practice playing guitar and bass guitar


I want to tell you the best way to practice guitar. This is important because most people these days are learning by themselves and do not get feedback from a real-life teacher.cool


You do not need to practice 24/7


It is a myth to think that famous guitar players practice all the time 24/7. They are humans too and have their limits. Practicing for hours can actually lead to injuries and the result may be that you have to stop playing for a long time to heal. The difference is,that famous musicians practice smartly.


It has been said that the most important thing is to practice the right thing. This is because practice does not make perfect,it makes permanent. Only perfect practice makes perfect.  


Practice for Progress


You should have several relaxed practice sessions of fifteen to twenty minutes at the time. You cannot learn everything in a day. Think and plan for the long term and come back to practice on a daily basis.


Warm Up


Many adult players have hand problems because they do not spend time warming up. Make sure that you slowly ease into using a new guitar or starting to apply a new technique. If you don’t then you might overuse your body and the result maybe that you cannot play for a while.  


Tips for Healthy Guitar Practicing


Make sure you have a guitar that you are comfortable with to play.


Try to play as lightly as possible with your left hand and find the amount of pressure needed to just prevent the string from buzzing. Do a daily warmup to find that exact point where the string stops buzzing and you use minimum pressure?


Check the position of your hand. Make sure that your wrists are in natural positions and not over bent in any direction.


Have a routine with stretching for your entire body. We often get tense in our back and shoulders and this can harm not only our playing but also our posture.


Breathe deeply and be relaxed when playing. Sometimes I used to hold my breath in a difficult passage or when I was nervous. Take a couple of deep breaths before playing


Practice with Breaks. Take breaks after 15 minutes no matter whether you think that you need it or not. You will progress much faster doing this.


Use a warm up exercise that helps warm up all aspects of your playing. Play very slow and view how your body reacts. Keep your head high and don’t let it hand forward as it might otherwise cause shoulder issues.


Hold a positive image of yourself in your mind. Keep it as relaxed as possible.


Drink lots of water!


Learn to make music with your guitar. It’s not about being a hero with technical capabilities. In the end it’s about making music. Try to make the most beautiful music rather than being the best guitar player.


Keep on playing and practicing and enjoying what you are doing and you will be successful. It has been said that 90% of success is simply showing up. If you keep showing up,you will be successful.


Find more Inspiration


If you need more inspiration about guitar playing then I recommend you check out the following sites.


The internet is full of great information about learning songs,making music and improving your instrument playing. Often times it is hard to tell which resource you should follow. This can be quite a drain on the time available to practice and get better. I suggest that you are following some specific recommended and proven resources.


They are on social media and on Youtube and from there you can find the related websites if you need to. In places where there is a lot of social interaction you will find social proof that the resources available at that address are worth your while.


No Matter if you play acoustic guitar,electric guitar or bass guitar. All the above is highly recommended for your practice sessions. It also does not matter at all if you play rhythm guitar or lead guitar,blues guitar or classical guitar. Even if you are a shredder and are only interested in metal,keep practicing sensibly.     
